plus size boudoir photography

Plus Size Boudoir Photography

plus size boudoir photography

Plus size boudoir photography.  This topic is kind of difficult to write about because I have said numerous time before that all sizes are good sizes for boudoir photography. It seriously doesn’t matter what size or shape you are, boudoir photography is for every woman who wants to love the body they are in and accept it for what it is and learn to love themselves and see themselves differently from a different perspective.   Over the years as I have done boudoir posing videos or show images on my website or private women only facebook group: Boudoir by NinaRose VIP Facebook group, I receive questions asking, “but what about posing for plus size?”   Or I’ll receive emails inquiring about a boudoir session asking if I provide plus size photography.  I’ll post a plus size boudoir image in my group and get a swarm of replies saying “thankyou because now I have the confidence to book a session because I have a similar body type and she looks amazing”.

So I have found with my experience, that plus size boudoir photography is a thing.  It saddens me to think that women feel like they need to look a certain way to feel beautiful or sexy.  This is why I do Boudoir Photography.  I love making women of all sizes and shapes fall in love with their bodies. I hear all of the time women saying that they hide their bodies from their families or their husbands. They feel shame in the way they look and will think that their husband won’t be attracted to them if they see them without clothes on, but in reality, they love you just the way you are and want you to feel comfortable with them. They are your other half, your partner and truly love you.

The number one reason people fear having a boudoir session is due to their size.  These are common things I am told regularly:

  • ” I need to lose weight first before I book a session with you”
  • “Your photography is beautiful but I don’t look like them so my images won’t be very good”
  • ” I have had several children and now my tummy has grown”
  • ” My life has been pretty stressful lately and I’ve gained some weight”
  • ” My husband would never want to see me in photos like this”

These are all excuses out of fear.  You know darn well that you would love to book a boudoir shoot but you are afraid of how the outcome would be. You have told yourself for years that you aren’t beautiful due to your weight.  Who told you that?  Because I’m pretty sure that your family loves you just the way you are. We are our own worst critics when it comes to our bodies.  We could see someone walk in front of us with the same exact body type and think that they look great, but we tend to see our own flaws and accept others flaws much more easily.  I feel like this is why it has been labeled as plus size boudoir because they feel like it needs to be in its own category. But hey, if that’s all it takes to make that leap to book that session, then go for it!

This is why I became a boudoir photographer. To show women that EVERYONE has flaws.  No one is perfect. Everyone has stretchmarks, cellulite, acne, loose skin, etc no matter what size you are! I have seen it all.  I have practiced as an RN for many years before I became a boudoir photographer full time. Breasts and butts are all different and that’s what makes us unique.

And this is also why you need to trust in your boudoir photographer to bring out your best qualities and pose you in the most flattering ways to accentuate the parts of you that you love. Finding the right Boudoir photographer is vital in your boudoir experience.  The right or wrong experience can completely empower your or deflate you.   I send out pre-questionnaires to all of my clients beforehand asking them specific questions that pertain to them only.  I want to know why they are booking the boudoir session and I want to learn their story.   I want to know what parts about themselves do they love? For most, it’s their eyes, smile, butt, boobs, hair, etc. Not everything needs to be sexualized. A smile is just as sexy as seeing a butt.  It’s genuine and unique.  I also ask what are parts of themselves that they aren’t fond of.  The reason I ask is because I want to know this information so I can create my posing flow around that.  If someone is self conscious about their tummy, I’m not going to make them feel uncomfortable and pose them in a way that is unflattering to them. You can also tell in some ones face that they are feeling a bit awkward, so I like to pose them in particular ways to draw attention away from those areas and focus on the areas that they love.  The point of Boudoir photography is to love yourself for how you are NOW and to see yourself from a different perspective, not focusing on the areas you already are not confident with.

plus size boudoir photography

When you look at her, what do you see? I see a beautiful booty in pretty red lingerie.  Would you consider this a plus size boudoir image? Maybe so, but I will tell you that this is average. You heard me right. This is the most average sized booty. Next time look around when you go grocery shopping or out to the mall and notice the different sizes of booties out there.  Never thought your booty could look this amazing in red lacey panties? Think again!  This is where you trust in your photographer to pose you in flattering ways and by using their knowledge and expertise with lighting and camera equipment, it all comes together to form the perfect image.

plus size boudoir photography

So, why should I book a plus size boudoir photography session?

Plus size boudoir photography is about celebrating yourself, your body, and your curves. It’s about self-love and owning who you are.  As a woman, you are beautiful, strong, and worthy of being celebrated. Whether it’s for yourself or for someone else, there’s no better way to show off your curves than with a plus size boudoir session.

Plus size boudoir photography can be incredibly empowering.  Every woman should experience what it feels like to embrace her body without judgement or criticism—plus size boudoir is the perfect way to do that. And let’s not forget that it also makes a great gift!  Don’t know what to wear to your boudoir session? Look through this list of Lingerie For Your Body Type and see if you fall in love with any certain pieces.

During your session, we will focus on creating beautiful photos that make you look and feel amazing. I’ll help guide you through posing and provide wardrobe ideas so that we can create stunning images that showcase your unique beauty! I am passionate about helping women of all shapes and sizes find their own personal power through my photography. I want to capture those special moments of vulnerability and strength that make us unique as individuals!  Stepping out of your comfort zone is the first step. Yes, it will be scary but I promise you, you will be proud of yourself for tackling your fears. Finding the confidence to book a Boudoir session is the first step and I’m here to help you every step of the way.

What To Expect During A Plus Size Boudoir Session?

plus size boudoir photography

The best part about plus size boudoir photography is that there are no rules or expectations—you get to decide what kind of photos you want to create! We will start by discussing clothing styles that flatter your body type and any poses or props you might want to incorporate into the shoot. On the day of the shoot, I will help guide you through posing techniques so we can capture some truly stunning shots. Don’t worry if this is all new to you—I’ll be there every step of the way to make sure everything goes smoothly! Once the session is complete, you will feel differently than when you first walked in.

Plus Size Boudoir, A Journey of Self-Acceptance

Plus size boudoir photography is an empowering experience that can help you learn to love and appreciate your body. It’s about embracing the beauty of our curves and everyone deserves to feel beautiful and confident in their own skin. By taking part in a plus size boudoir session, you can learn to accept and love yourself for who you are.

A plus size boudoir photography session is just like any other type of boudoir photography—the difference being that it’s specifically tailored for women who who have more curves. And curves are sexy!  During these sessions, you can choose from different poses, lighting techniques, and props to create a set of images that showcase your body in its entirety. You don’t have to be any one particular shape or size—your individual beauty will be celebrated throughout your session!  This is what makes you, YOU.

A plus size boudoir photography session is about learning to celebrate all aspects of yourself—even the parts that you may not be so sure about anymore. In addition to giving you stunning photographs that capture how beautiful you truly are, it also offers an opportunity for reflection and healing as well. Through this experience, many women find themselves becoming more accepting of their bodies and more confident in their own skin—which can only be a good thing! A Boudoir session can heal you in more ways than you think. It’s therapeutic and freeing and lets you be vulnerable and accepting at the same time.

plus size boudoir photography

Plus, it doesn’t have to be just the woman having photographs taken.  It takes two to tango so plan the ultimate date night with a Couples Boudoir photography session. Again, it is not size exclusive.  The couple above booked a plus size boudoir photography couples session together and totally rocked it!  I loved hearing their story- they wanted to document their connection now before they start their weight loss journey together and then have another session in a year or so to show their progress. I absolutely love that. They are doing this together and I am so happy for them. This woman would light up just talking about it.

plus size boudoir photography

Here is another photo of them. This one is my favorite from their session.  I feel like everyone should have a couples boudoir session,  now if only I could get my husband on board. LOL.

Learning to love yourself should be at the top of everyone’s list—and there’s no better way than with a plus-size boudoir session! With this type of photoshoot, you’ll gain confidence in yourself while having fun while doing it! So if you’re looking for an empowering experience that will help boost your self-esteem, look no further! The journey towards self-acceptance starts here!

Plus size boudoir photography has become increasingly popular over the past few years as more people have embraced their bodies just as they are. It’s a great way to celebrate yourself and show off your curves in an artistic way! It’s also perfect for gifting someone special with something unique and meaningful—a personalized set of photos highlighting their beauty from within! My goal is always to provide a fun and relaxing experience while capturing beautiful images that make my clients feel empowered by their own unique beauty. So if this sounds like something you would be interested in exploring further then don’t hesitate—schedule a plus size boudoir session today! Contact me.

Click here to see why everyone should consider stepping out of their comfort zone.



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plus size boudoir photography
plus size boudoir photography
plus size boudoir photography
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