Do I Have to get Naked at my Boudoir Session?

Do I have to get Naked at my Boudoir session?

Great question!  That is probably one of the largest reasons why women don’t book a Boudoir session. They think they need to undress completely and be fully exposed for their Boudoir session.  Take a deep breath because you’ll feel comfortable with the answer. Do I have to get naked for my Boudoir session? Nope! Absolutely not.  Boudoir sessions are meant to revolve around your comfort level and what you’re looking to get out of the photos.  Did you book the shoot because you wanted it as a gift to your significant other for Christmas, or an anniversary, or maybe you wanted to celebrate yourself for your birthday.  There are so many reasons to Celebrate a milestone with a Boudoir Session but there is preparation when it comes to what you will wear….or not wear.   If this is a gift for your significant other, you may way to show more skin.  This adds a little extra spice to your images and will make him/her weak in the knees.  But if that’s not in your comfort zone, more modest images are definitely a hit.   If it’s for your birthday, maybe you just want some fun images of yourself living your best life and showing off your amazing body you’ve worked so hard for.  So deciding on What to wear to a Boudoir photoshoot is entirely up to you.

do I have to get naked

For most, the thought of undressing in front of a total stranger is so nerve wracking. Girl, I get it, I really do.  Placing yourself in such a vulnerable position in front of a camera and stepping out of your comfort zone is terrifying.  This is where it’s extremely important to find the right Boudoir photographer because having trust plays a major role.  Trust in your photographer that they know posing and lighting techniques to show off your best qualities. Ask them any questions you may have regarding the session.  They want you to feel as comfortable as possible throughout.   To help ease your mind, most professional photographers will send you a questionnaire beforehand asking your comfort level and what you’re looking for to get out of the boudoir session and then based off that information, the posing flow for you may be changed up a little bit to start out with the more modest poses to help you feel comfortable and covered in front of the camera before you let loose.  Based off experience, I have found that most women will start to feel a difference about 20-30 minutes into the session.  Confidence starts to form by seeing their gorgeous images of themselves on the back of the camera and the bond between client and photographer seems to be on a more personal/friend level.  Take the time to get to know your photographer.  You’ll find that your Boudoir photographer will have you constantly doing something throughout the whole experience to help keep your mind off of your nerves.   Your photographer should never make you feel forced into removing any clothing that you don’t want to.  And even some poses that appear to be unclothed underneath, can be an illusion. So when you love a certain pose you’ve seen them do before and want to try it and ask, “do I have to get naked for this”. Nope. There are other ways around it. While some feel comfortable stripping right down, other’s may need to hide a bit more.  This is what is called “Implied Nudity”.

do I have to get naked

White Sheet Pose with “Implied Nudity”

“Implied Nudity”

Do you see the above image with her in the bed with the white sheet over her? That is considered implied nudity photography so it gives off the sexy look like she’s not wearing anything underneath. Well I’m here to burst your bubble and say  that she actually is wearing both bra and undies but you can’t tell.  With a bra, the straps can be tucked down underneath the sheet and with the lower half, she is wearing a nude thong that is pulled up a bit higher so it’s not seen.  It tells the viewer that she is not wearing anything underneath but in fact she is just so she feels more comfortable.  Shhh, no one needs to know.

Implied nudity also pertains to certain looks as if they are undressing, but nothing is actually exposed. With Boudoir photography, the front lower half of the client is ALWAYS covered.  That is due to keeping it professional and not crossing any boundaries.  Women tend to feel more comfortable showing off their top half or the booty, but should never be told to show the front half. EVER.   With this being said,  giving the illusion that you are naked is much easier to achieve in certain poses than others.   Some lingerie is more revealing than others as well and again that’s based off of personal preference.  If wearing lingerie is new to you, check out Lingerie For Your Body Type to help find the best pieces for your physique.

do I have to get naked

This above image is a perfect example of implied nudity.  This is giving the illusion of her pulling down her undergarments when she’s really just holding the position there for the photograph. Yes, you may feel more exposed but your photographer will do their best to work quickly and have the settings prepared on their  camera to make it even faster.   These types of images are always a huge hit with clients and make their significant other most definitely drool.

There are also times where a nude thong can’t be hidden.  And that’s based off of what ideas the client would like to do. I think going in with the mindset that you’ll be showing more skin helps get you ready for it.  There’s a lot to do when preparing for a Boudoir Session but I don’t think you can ever be TOO prepared.  For those types of images, your Boudoir photographer will keep you as comfortable as possible.

do I have to get naked

Here is where more of the booty is shown but she felt more comfortable keeping her bottoms on.

do I have to get naked

Here, there’s no getting away with wearing bottoms. But this pose is such a popular one.
I mean, who wouldn’t want a pic of their booty looking like that?

Do I have to get naked

Here’s an example where her top is off but bottoms are on. I have had a bunch of variety with this pose.
Some women want to show the silhouette of an entirely nude behind, or some like something on top and bottom.
It’s all client’s preference.


“Fully Clothed”

If your number one fear is “Do I have to get naked at my Boudoir session?” and that’s 100% preventing you from booking the Boudoir shoot you’ve always wanted, please don’t let that stop you. Did you know that you can also be fully clothed and still be sexy? Yep! I said it.   If you feel hot wearing a potato sack then go for it. It’s all in the way you wear it and how confident you feel.   If you are thinking that you need to be undressed to be sexy which leads to you feeling uncomfortable, then the images will show that. You may think you’re hiding the nerves but your face tells more than you think.

do I need to get naked

In the above image, she has an oversized sweatshirt on to help cover her up a bit.
She’s also wearing undies but you can’t tell (you’re starting to catch on to implied nudity)

do I have to get naked

This image is showing a beautiful pose with her wearing a full bodysuit,
which is gorgeous by the way!  But this helps her feel more comfortable which helps relax her face

“Fully Nude”

Yep, you can do that if you want to!   The Boudoir studio you are in is a judgement free zone and should be a safe space where you feel comfortable undressing.  If being fully naked for your session feels comfortable for you, then go for it!  Again, what I said before with your friend lower half always being covered, that still goes for these looks. Your photographer will have you get into position comfortably on your own after demonstrating the pose themselves first.  This helps keep some privacy throughout the session.  Keeping it professional is what makes the experience memorable and they leave feeling empowered.  Click here for reasons why professionalism is important.

do I have to get naked

do I have to get naked


There’s no way around it with these images.  There’s nothing “implied” about it. They are letting it all out. And I always say, more power to you! Because when they look back on those photos of themselves, they will think, HOT DAMN I look amazing!  This is the whole idea of Boudoir photography.  It has a deeper meaning to it than just posing with/without clothes in front of a camera. The meaning of  Boudoir Photography goes beyond the explainable.  Women leave feeling sexy, empowered, and beautiful after their sessions. Seeing themselves in a different light they never knew existed. All because they took that first step out of their comfort zone. j

So when you ask, “Do I have to get naked” for my Boudoir photo session. The answer is no and it is completely up to you.  Whatever way makes you feel beautiful and deserving is a good enough reason for me!   And remember, no one will see your images except for you, your photographer, and maybe your significant other. 😉


Stay beautiful!! XOXO




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do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
Do I have to get naked
do I need to get naked
do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
do I have to get naked
sexy gift
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