Women over 50 Knoxville Boudoir Photos

Yes, Women over 50 deserve Boudoir photos too!

You don’t know how many times I’ve heard, “I wish I did a shoot like that when I was  younger, I’m too old for it now.”  Umm excuse me? Most definitely not! There are only two things you must have to have Boudoir photos taken….and that’s be a woman and have a body.  If you have both of those, then you are ready! Women of any age deserve to feel beautiful and sexy.  Age is just a number.  I am here to prove that women over 50 are absolutely stunning.  I have attached several photos of Knoxville Boudoir photos with women over 50.  I was once told something by an older coworker that really stuck with me.  She said, “Age is a gift denied to many, so live your life to the fullest because there are some that don’t have a life to live”. That was so deep that now when I look at myself and I see smaller smile lines forming on my face, or little gray hairs forming on top of my head, I think to myself – I am alive another day and am truly blessed to be growing older with my family.  When I moved to Knoxville, it became my mission to help women of all ages to see themselves as sexy.  Since then I have had many women in the studio and was hoping that this article, “Women over 50 Knoxville Boudoir photos” would help motivate another woman to book the session she’s always wanted but didn’t know she needed.

I feel like women in their 50’s and beyond are the most harsh on themselves. They still feel the energy and the pep in their step. Most of them have kids that are grown and out of the house and they can start living life again. But it’s because they feel the same energy they had before, they look at younger women and think about when their bodies  used to be young and firm.  Well I’m here to tell you, life happens. And the same thing will happen to those women, it’s the circle of life.  So why not embrace what you have now and the beauty you have now because I tell you what, you deserve it!  And I know for a fact that your husband or boyfriend will have their jaw drop to the floor once they see you have done a Boudoir session.  They love you for who you are right now and it’s my job to help you see that too.   What is Boudoir Photography, you ask?  I’m sure you’ve heard of it but you just haven’t learned why it is so important in a woman’s life.  The meaning runs deeper than just wearing fancy lingerie.  It helps women see themselves in a way they never saw possible. It helps women feel empowered, sexy, and worthy of self-love.  We tend to be our own worst critics when it comes to our bodies so seeing ourselves from a different perspective can definitely help shift the way we think about ourselves.

Since moving my studio here to Knoxville about a year and a half ago, I have already had about 5 women over 50 have Boudoir sessions with me.  And let me tell you, these are some of the best sessions. I love hearing how their lives have changed, what they’ve overcome, and experiences they’ve had.   They have all told me that they have been saving up for something like this because they need it.  To them, it’s a necessity and part of their self-care. I love that and wish more women thought that way.  Boudoir photography is self care. Just like getting your hair or nails done, pampering yourself with a day of feeling sexy and beautiful is on the to-do list! Plus, who doesn’t love dressing up in lingerie you know you’d never buy.  It’s like a kid in a candy store!  A Boudoir session is an experience like no other. It’s not just a traditional photo shoot where you pick out an outfit and have a quick 30 minute session. This type of photography session requires preparation not only for your days leading up to it, but your mindset preparation as well.  Preparing for a Boudoir Session can be quite nerve-wracking, but in the end it’s so worth it.   Here are examples of Women over 50 Knoxville Boudoir photos:

women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos

This woman right here is actually closer to 60.  She works her butt off and goes to the gym frequently and wanted to incorporate all of her hard work with a Boudoir session. And that piece that she brought with her, absolutely gorgeous!

women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos

This gorgeous Mama is a mother to 5 children and has also been working on her fitness journey for the year prior. She was so sweet and wanted to surprise her husband with a Boudoir album of her for their Anniversary.


women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos

This beautiful woman booked a Boudoir session to show herself her beauty. She has been told her whole life by family members that she’s “too big” or not good enough. My heart ached for her and by the end of her session, she started to see herself in a different light. I am SO glad she had this done. She has met a wonderful man who is very supportive and helping her on her self-love/body-acceptance journey as well.   She is already thinking about booking another Boudoir session with me and I cannot wait!  I did warn her, Boudoir sessions can become very addicting lol. Who doesn’t love being pampered for a day?!


women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos

This woman was one of the first Boudoir sessions I had when I moved here to Knoxville. She is in her 50’s as well. She is a small business owner like myself and we had a lot of fun talking about the ups and downs of running a business. She also booked this session for herself. To show herself that she’s still got it.  She was very hesitant at first as she is very known in her Church. She has gone on a fitness journey and was proud of her success.  I told her that there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel beautiful and sexy. Her photos were for her husband but she did allow me to show the anonymous photos of her, which I greatly appreciated.   I loved that she came out of her comfort zone and we had a blast together!


women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos


This gorgeous woman had the most beautiful curves!  I loved the maroon piece with her red hair. She was such a natural with all of the posing and said she’s done other Boudoir sessions before with other Boudoir photographers but by far, this was one of her favorites. That made me so happy!  Hoping she comes back again for another session in the near future!


So if you are a woman over 50 years old and would love to do a Boudoir photo shoot, do it. I really do recommend it. Do it for yourself. You will see yourself in a different light and I promise you, the way you look at yourself will change and you’ll say to yourself, “I’ve still got it!”.   All bodies are beautiful no matter what size or shape. That’s what makes us all unique!  We need to learn to embrace what God gave us and start loving ourselves because we only get this one body.  Let’s learn to love the skin we’re in.  Here are a few images of women unedited to show what normal bodies are. Let’s start normalizing what women really do look like!  Most of us have had children and that stretches our tummies and there are certain pieces of lingerie to help you feel more comfortable or certain posing techniques to accentuate only that parts about you that you love. Because that’s the whole point of Boudoir photography. To accentuate the parts of you that you love and to not bring attention to the parts that you don’t.  Women over 50 are the new 30!

women over 50 knoxville boudoir photos


You are worthy. You are deserving. You are Beautiful just the way you are. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

Come join in on the fun and be added to the Women over 50 Knoxville Boudoir photos list!


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