Boudoir photography: Classy or Trashy?

Boudoir Photography: Classy or Trashy?

boudoir photography: classy or trashy

What would you consider boudoir photography: Classy or Trashy?  I’m here to help shift that mindset with boudoir and to help form a better understanding about it.  First, let’s dive into What is Boudoir Photography?  Boudoir photography has been around for many years, with the first formalized sessions appearing in the early 1900s. These shoots were done in a studio with various props and backdrops, and the photos were typically given as gifts to husbands or boyfriends as a way to celebrate their relationship. In recent years, boudoir photography has seen a resurgence in popularity, although the style and approach has changed drastically. These days, boudoir shoots are often done in more naturalistic settings such as an actual professional boudoir studio, hotel rooms or Airbnb rentals. The focus is also shifting from couples to individuals, with many women seeing these shoots as a way to celebrate their own bodies and feel empowered.

Boudoir photography has been around for a long time. It is a photography genre that involves taking sensual, intimate photos of women in various states of undress. While the line between art and pornography can be blurred, boudoir photography is usually more on the artistic side. However, some people view it as being trashy. So, what is the truth? Is boudoir photography classy or trashy? Let’s take a look.

The History of Boudoir Photography

Boudoir photography dates back to the Victorian era when it was popular for upper-class ladies to have their portraits taken while wearing lingerie or other revealing clothing. These photos were usually taken in private by their husband’s photographer and were never meant to be seen by anyone else.
In the early 1900s, French postcards featuring semi-nude or nude women became popular. These postcards were called “boudoir cards” and they were sent anonymously to men as a way to titillate them.
However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that boudoir photography really came into its own as an art form. Robert Farber was one of the first photographers to legitimize the genre with his book “Erotic Universe: The Sensual Photography of Robert Farber”. Since then, many other photographers have followed suit and expanded upon Farber’s work.

What makes boudoir photography classy as opposed to trashy is that it is usually done in a tasteful way with an emphasis on portraying the female form in a beautiful light. Boudoir photos are often taken in an intimate setting such as a bedroom and they are usually meant to be shared with only a select few people.
While there are some photographers who do produce trashy or pornographic images and call them boudoir photos, these images are not representative of the genre as a whole.

Despite the changes that boudoir photography has undergone, there is still a lot of debate surrounding whether or not it is classy or trashy. Let’s take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

Boudoir photography: Classy or Trashy?

The Classy Argument

Those who argue that boudoir photography is classy typically make points about the intention behind the shoot. They argue that boudoir photography, when done correctly, can be an empowering experience for women. They also claim that these shoots are often done with taste and class, yielding images that are beautiful and elegant.  Here are a few images to prove it with 10 Boudoir Photos that Keep it Classy.  Let’s face it, every woman deserves to feel beautiful.  It is often times when we get older, have children, jobs, and get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget about ourselves. We shift our mindsets to taking care of everyone else, but what about us?  We deserve love too!  This is why so many women book a boudoir photography session, because the feeling of letting our hair down, getting professional makeup application, dressing up in sexy lingerie, and being told we are beautiful is pretty darn hard to pass up!

boudoir photography: classy or trashy

Boudoir photography: Classy or Trashy?

The Trashy Argument

On the other hand, those who argue that boudoir photography is trashy typically make points about the sexual nature of these shoots. They argue that many of these photos border on pornography, and that they are often taken with the intent to titillate and arousal rather than empower.  For some, it may be more sexual and that’s ok. Whatever reason a woman has for booking a session, it’s for them and only them and if that’s the side they want to bring out, so be it. Boudoir photography is a genre of photography that typically features women in intimate apparel or lingerie. The photos taken are meant to be sensual and suggestive, but not explicit.  Some may believe that they need to become naked for a boudoir photography session. That is not true. Again, it all depends on the woman’s particular comfort level and how far they’d like to go. Is this session booked for a significant other? Maybe they want to show off some more intimate parts for their eyes only.  Here, you’ll find more information on Do I Have to get Naked at my Boudoir Session?
An important thing to consider is that most printing lab companies will not print exotic images for professional purposes. The lower bottom half must remain covered at all times. Finding an exotic lab printing company is a whole different ball game. But who says you can’t have a little fun during your photoshoot with some handcuffs or extra sexy lingerie?  This is your opportunity, so live it to the fullest!
If you’re considering, going all out and taking the leap into more daring boudoir images, take a look at these: Boudoir Photos That Will Inspire You To be Daring.

boudoir photography: classy or trashy



So, is boudoir photography classy or trashy? We would say that it depends. If the photos are taken with care and precision, and the subject is comfortable and confident, then the photos can be quite classy. However, if the photos are taken in a rushed or careless manner, or if the subject looks uncomfortable or out of place, then they can come across as trashy.  It all depends on what type of session the client is going for.  Boudoir photography is a judgement free zone.  Every woman should feel comfortable in their skin and that’s what boudoir photographer are here for.  No matter what way the client feels empowered, that’s the most important.  This is why it’s crucial in Finding the right Boudoir photographer.

Whether boudoir photography is considered classy or trashy is really up to interpretation. Be sure to do your research and find a photographer that you trust to create beautiful, classy images that you’ll be proud of.

If you’d like more information on boudoir photography and different types, feel free to create your Pinterest board. There you’ll find different types of boudoir photography and one that is sure to fit your taste and what you’re looking for.  Start creating your own Pinterest board here.

In my personal opinion, boudoir photography is not trashy – it is an art form that has been around for centuries. When done tastefully, boudoir photos can be beautiful, sensual, and empowering for women. So if you’re thinking about having some boudoir photos taken, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re being trashy – you’re celebrating your femininity and sexuality in a beautiful way!

So, what’s your verdict? Is boudoir photography classy or trashy? Ultimately, this is a personal decision that each woman will have to make for herself. If you’re considering a boudoir shoot, ask yourself what your intentions are. If you’re doing it purely for your own empowerment and self-celebration, then chances are you’ll be happy with the results. However, if you’re doing it for someone else’s enjoyment or because you feel pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty, you may want to reconsider. At the end of the day, only you can decide whether or not boudoir photography is right for you.

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boudoir photography: classy or trashy
boudoir photography: classy or trashy
boudoir photography: classy or trashy
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