How to take your own Boudoir photos

How to take your own Boudoir Photos: Is it the same?

Wanting to know how to take your own Boudoir photos at home? I’m here to help! Taking your own Boudoir photos is becoming increasingly popular.  And I’m not going to lie, I have attempted taking my own for my husband as a Christmas gift a few years back.  I will tell you though, that no matter how you take the photos (either professionally or at home), I’m proud of you that you are doing it.  To have Boudoir photos taken of you is a huge leap out of one’s comfort zone and can increase self esteem and confidence more than you know.  I have dedicated my TikTok page to helping women (and men) of all shapes and sizes feel comfortable in their skin and I give them tips and tricks to start taking their own photos at home.  This of course, is a baby step in becoming comfortable in front of a camera for if you ever schedule a professional Boudoir session.  I am here to tell you how to take you own Boudoir photos and why I feel it’s important. Do you need to have someone to take the photos for? Absolutely not. Do this for yourself! Become one with your body and learn to love the skin you’re in.  Is taking your own boudoir photos the same as professional photos? No, but that’s ok!

I am here to help guide you with how to take your own boudoir photos because I believe that every person deserves to feel beautiful and sexy. In the meantime, you can save up for the real deal some day, but I support you 100%.


 Snap Some Shots: How to Take Your Own Boudoir Photos

how to take your own boudoir photos


Boudoir photography has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it is a great way to capture your sensuality and femininity. Many women opt to hire a professional photographer to take their boudoir photos, but this can be pricey to some. I totally get it, not everyone is in the financial situation at the moment to book a professional boudoir session. Here are a few reasons as to  why are Boudoir Sessions so expensive.   Luckily, there are some easy tips you can follow to take your own stunning boudoir photos. All you need is a digital camera, a few props, and a little bit of creativity!  Even  your cellphone will work!  In this case, I recommend taking a video on your phone, moving slowly, then screenshotting our favorite poses.   If you’re using a digital camera, be sure to set the focus on something else in the area where you will be. Set the timer, adjust the focus, then give yourself time to push that focus point prop out of the way so the camera can now focus on you.

6 tips on how to take your own Boudoir photos:

1. Pick the right location. When thinking of how to take your own boudoir photos, it is important to find a location that makes you feel comfortable and sexy. If you are not comfortable with your surroundings, it will show in the photo. Choose a location that you feel good in, whether it is your bedroom, bathroom, or even outdoors in nature. The most important thing is that you feel confident in front of the camera.  Be sure to not choose a public place, LOL.  Want even more fun? Grab your bestie or your significant other and make this a team effort.

how to take your own boudoir photos

2. Get inspired. Take some time to look at other boudoir photos online or in magazines to get some inspiration for your own shoot. Pinterest is a great place to start! Don’t worry about copying someone else’s style; use the photos as inspiration to create your own unique shoot.  Click here to start creating your own Pinterest board. Gather some ideas. It not only will inspire you but get you even more excited.  Plus, it helps you think better when there is inspiration in front of you. You don’t want to undress down to everything, then forget what poses you wanted to do.  If needing help with certain poses and how to take your own Boudoir photos just like the inspirational photos you’ve seen, really study the images. Look at which way the lighting is coming from and the positioning of their arms and legs.

how to take your own boudoir photos


3. Set the mood. Once you have chosen your location and gathered some inspiration, it’s time to set the mood for your photo shoot. If you are taking photos indoors, light some candles and turn on some soft music to create a romantic atmosphere. If you are taking photos outdoors, find a spot with beautiful natural lighting. The mood of your photo shoot should match the style of photos you want to take.

how to take your own boudoir photos


4. Use props. Props can help add interest and texture to your photos. Common props used in boudoir photography include bedsheets, fur coats, flowers, and jewelry. Get creative with your props and use them to accentuate your best features!

how to take your own boudoir photos


5。Find your angle. Everyone has their own best angle, so experiment until you find yours! Take lots of shots from different angles and distances until you find the perfect shot. Remember that you can always delete the ones you don’t like later – so don’t be afraid to experiment!

how to take your own boudoir photos

6。Edit your photos . Once you have taken all of your photos, it’s time to edit them! There are lots of great editing software programs available for free online—PicMonkey and Canva are two popular options. Use these programs to crop, resize, and add filters to your photos until they are perfect!
I know that Photoshop can be intimidating and if you’re taking these just to have at home, a paid membership wouldn’t be worth it.  But experiment and play with the editing process.

Learn your light source and study the pictures that you see in your inspirational photos.  Look at where the light is hitting their body on the photo.  Try to mimic that light by turning towards a natural light source such as a window, or moving the light around if you have a Ring Light at home.

The Benefits of Taking Your Own Boudoir Photos

Boudoir Photography has been increasing in popularity in recent years. But what is it about this type of photography that has people clamoring to get in front of the camera? In short, boudoir photography is a way to celebrate your body and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin. And there are few things more empowering than that.

One of the best things about boudoir photography is that it is for everyone. No matter your age, size, or shape, you can (and should!) participate in a boudoir photo shoot. This type of photography is about celebrating your unique body and showing off your confidence. It is a chance to forget about societal standards of beauty and instead focus on what makes you feel beautiful.

Taking boudoir photos is a great way to document this moment in time. Whether you’re taking them for yourself or for someone else, these photos will be cherished memories that you can look back on for years to come. They are physical evidence of how amazing and beautiful you are right now—flaws and all.  Whether you are celebrating a milestone with a Boudoir Session or taking them because you want to learn to love your body, you are taking an amazing step into your self-love journey.  Give yourself a pat on the back because you should be very proud of yourself.

Boudoir photography is an empowering experience that celebrates your unique body and allows you to feel beautiful in your own skin. If you’re thinking about taking some boudoir photos, there are plenty of reasons to do so! You can take them in the comfort of your own home, hire a professional photographer, or just keep them for yourself as cherished memories. Whatever route you choose, know that boudoir photography is an experience everyone should try at least once in their lifetime.

I am here for you for whenever you’d like to get the full on experience with a professional Boudoir photography session. Are Boudoir Photography Sessions Worth It,  I vote YES! I hope these tips helped with how to take your own boudoir photos at home.  You’ve got this!!

Taking your own boudoir photos can be a fun and empowering experience—and it doesn’t have to be expensive! By following these simple tips, you can take stunning boudoir photos that capture your sensuality and femininity beautifully. So what are you waiting for? Grab your camera and get started!

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